Kindergarten screening has been scheduled for the new K-5 Elgin Elementary School. Kindergarten screening will be held in the gymnasium at Elgin High School on Friday, May 3 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
You are encouraged to call either current elementary school to register: Elgin West (740) 499-3277 or Elgin South (740) 494-2677.
The Kindergarten Screening process usually takes about one hour. While parents are meeting with the nurse, secretaries, and kindergarten teachers, the children will participate in a screening for developmental readiness, basic language skills, as well as hearing and vision.
During that time, your child will have an opportunity to meet the kindergarten teachers and Mrs. Kristin Dyer, the building principal of the new K-5 Elgin Elementary School.
Parents must complete a parent packet and should also bring a birth certificate or mother’s certificate, immunizations records, Social Security number, custody papers (if there has been a divorce/separation), and proof of residence.
Children must be five years old on or before August 1, 2013 to be eligible for kindergarten and are required by law to register.