MIPA Helping Hands is asking you to join the fight against hunger. They are holding a food drive on Friday, December 12, 2014 from noon to 4:00pm at MIPA Primary Care – Delex One Building, 1069 Delaware Avenue, Suite 205 in Marion.
All non-perishable food donations for our food drive. Foods most urgently needed are:
- Canned tuna, ham, chicken, turkey or beef
- Peanut butter and jelly (no glass jars )
- Beans – dried or canned
- Macaroni and cheese
- Boxed meals
- Pasta and pasta sauces (no glass jars )
- Rice
- Fruit juice
- Coffee, tea and drink mix
- Canned fruit, vegetables and soup
- Sugar and flour
- New hat and gloves ( All sizes )
With your donation, you will be entered in a contest to win a door prize. Plus, hotdogs and chips will be provided.