Ohio State Marion student awarded NSF research fellowship

Kori MontgomeryOhio State Marion senior psychology major, Kori Montgomery was recently awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research fellowship this summer to conduct research at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), Columbus, OH.

NSF is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science. NSF is the funding source for approximately 24 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities.

Earning a research internship through COSI is also an honor. The spots are awarded through a competitive application process open to students across Ohio. The research will take place in Language Sciences Research lab at COSI and serves as a 10 week paid summer research program for undergraduate students interested in language.

“Dr. Patson-Huffman and I worked on my application until we thought it was perfect. All the while, I kept getting more excited about the thought of working in a science museum,” said Montgomery.

“Last Monday I got an email saying my application had been chosen. I was one of the lucky ones who gets to participate,” she added.

Students will have the opportunity to work in a cutting-edge lab inside COSI and conduct research with mentorship provided by Ohio State faculty members, including Ohio State Marion Assistant Professor of Psychology, Nikole Patson-Huffman, who introduced Montgomery to language research and the Language Sciences Research Lab at COSI, as part of her ongoing research into plurals.

As Patson-Huffman explained, “while there are other Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs in the country, this one is unique because it is being hosted at COSI.”

“Currently, COSI is one of the only science museums in the country that has laboratories conducting research,” she said.

Research is an evolving process, explained Patson-Huffman, Montgomery will work with a faculty mentor to develop a research project, specifically on the topic of language.

Patson-Huffman, who will be serving as one of the faculty mentors at COSI, is unsure if Montgomery will be assigned to her team, “but if she works with me…it will be related to my work (language research) on plurals.”

According to Montgomery, although the nature of the internship is yet to be decided, she knows she will be interacting with the public and participating in weekly activities at the research lab.

“There are many benefits I will receive. This is a great learning experience that will help me develop into a better researcher, student, and future psychologist.”

“This summer program will not only allow students to engage in research,” Patson-Huffman explained, but also learn how to inform the public about research findings.”

“The opportunity is truly once in a life time,” added Montgomery.

Montgomery expressed that she is seeing now seeing rewards for working hard both inside and outside the classroom, while taking advantage of the opportunities the Marion campus and university provide.

“I have worked extremely hard to get to this point,” she said, “and by being chosen, I feel now as if my work has finally began to pay off.”

Which came as no surprise to her Professor Nikole Patson-Huffman, who introduced Montgomery to the research being conducted at COSI.

“Kori is a fantastic student. She’s intelligent and works very hard, said Patson-Huffman. “I believe she stands to gain a great deal from this program.”

Montgomery, a graduate of Elgin High School in Marion County, is more than excited about this opportunity and credits much of that to the breadth and scope of education at Ohio State Marion.

“The Ohio State University at Marion continues to offer me amazing opportunities and I am very proud to be a Buckeye,” Montgomery emphatically stated.

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