The state has moved quickly to replace PARCC as its Common Core test provider and will have the American Institutes of Research (AIR) give Ohio’s math and English tests next year, along with the science and social studies tests AIR already gave this past year.
Gov. John Kasich signed legislation Monday night banning use of tests from PARCC, the multi-state testing partnership Ohio used this past year, after both houses of the state legislature decided late last week that PARCC had to go.
Less than 24 hours later, state Superintendent Richard Ross announced this afternoon that AIR will step in. Ross said he is comfortable with AIR because it has worked with the state for several years.
According to AIR, it has provided previous state tests including the Ohio Achievement Assessments and the Ohio Graduation Tests, before taking on Ohio’s new science and social studies tests this past school year.
Ross said he is confident that Ohio can develop new tests with AIR in time for next spring. He said that districts should have more information about how the tests will work before the start of the new school year.
“It is our intent to move rapidly,” Ross said.
And he said that the tests will be developed with Ohio educators and will not be “off-the-shelf” tests.
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