Company Accepting Applications for Ohio High Risk Pool

State Senator Karen Gillmor (R-Tiffin) announced Thursday that Medical Mutual of Ohio is currently accepting applications for the Ohio High Risk Pool, which gives Ohioans with cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and many other chronic medical problems, who can't get health insurance because of their conditions, access to coverage through a federally-funded, state high-risk insurance pool.

State Lawmakers Look to Require Use of Radar Detectors

Two leading state lawmakers want to overturn a ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court that says police officers can write speeding tickets just by looking at a vehicle and estimating how fast it is going.

Ohio Lawmakers Pass Casino Rules

State lawmakers missed their deadline by a few hours, but did pass regulations for four new Ohio casinos at around 4:00 am Friday.

The new legislation calls for an 21 and over age rule, bans against free drinks and smoking and a closing time similar to bars of 2:30 am. Lawmakers had already agreed in earlier rule versions to require payouts on slot machines be at least 85 percent.

State Representative Holding District Office Hours

State Representative Jeff McClain (R- Upper Sandusky) will be holding district office hours on Monday, April 26th, 2010.

“It is important that the decisions I make in Columbus represent the views of my constituents back home,” McClain said. “Open office hours give me the opportunity to hear directly from the people on their opinions about pending legislation, or any other state government related issue.”

Bill Hopes E-Books Will Save Students Money

Saying it could save more than 50 percent on the cost of textbooks, some House Democrats want to give Ohio college students the chance to trade in their piles of expensive books for laptops or other electronic readers.

Under the bill, which the Columbus Dispatch is reporting, the regents would have two years to require publishers to electronic versions of textbooks. Publishers also would be required to provide textbook formats for students with disabilities.

Textbook costs have increased an average of 6 percent per year from 1986 to 2006 and have risen 10 percent a year since.